2023-05-19 4:32 PM
The "STM8S standard firmware library" is referenced in UM0834 for STM8S-Discovery. The library examples were well organized according to the descrription and included everything for the quick start. There were timers examples, ADC, SPI, I2C, UART examples, etc.etc., you name it. Where is all that stuff gone now? There are a few separate examples now without clear description like the one that was provided with the library in the chm help file.
There is an older question/answer that mentions a now obsolete link to the library:
...stm8sfwlib_dot_zip (I'm not allowed to add links)
Where do I get that file?
Pease give me that file!
The library archive contained a clear description of the examples in the chm format, stm8_tsl_um_dot_chm
I need that archive back on the STM site! Please make no excuses for not providing it to the STM8S-Discovery users.
2023-05-19 5:22 PM
Well, you will lough at me but it looks like all the examples that used to be delivered in the old stm8sfwlib.zip archive are now located in en.stsw-stm8021, en.stsw-stm8022, en.stsw-stm8023, etc. up to en.stsw-stm8060 archive files. Each of them contains the old set of the examples while the original chm help file is located in the first en.stsw-stm8021 archive. It looks like the higher number archives are simply updates of the en.stsw-stm8021.
No worries! Take care...
2023-05-19 6:05 PM
Oh, no - I was somewhat wrong on the purpose of all those en.stsw-stm80xx archives. They are all separate examples with each one touching on the specific subject of the STM8S hardware. I must admit that with all those STM updates of the firmware libraries/examples through the years it's now quite confusing trying to relate the later releases to the older documentation. It's all there but it's such a mess!
Never mind, we'll get through...
2023-05-20 8:16 AM
There's a lot of rambling here, what exactly do you need here?
Software and strategy evolve over a decade, I think focus is moving to other architectures at this point.