2021-11-11 5:49 AM
I've got a new STEVAL-ISA164V1 Board.
The problem looks like this:
When connecting with the ST SMED Configurator there is a warning:
The chip on my board is double checked a STNRG388A (well that's what is printed on the chip)
I can connect and it looks like i could load a model from an Example - but nothing happens on the outputs.
So i tried to load the lasted FW with the console tool, but this also does not work - i tried several times
i tried to load the bin file with ST-Link and SWIM Cable, also i tried like suggested here:
But no success: is there anything else i could try?
2021-11-16 12:33 AM
No Ideas anyone?
2021-11-24 7:26 AM
Ok i found a solution.
It looks like my board was shipped with a wrong bootloader.
And ST already has a solution.
Just follow this Design Tip: https://www.st.com/resource/en/design_tip/dt0118-a-procedure-for-restoring-bootloader-functionality-to-the-stnrg388a--stmicroelectronics.pdf
A Procedure for Restoring Bootloader Functionality to the STNRG388A
Good Luck.