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Programmer wanted, microchip and visual

Associate II
Posted on October 26, 2010 at 05:38

Hello, My name is Aaron.

I am looking to hire a programmer.

Qualifications are as followed.

1. Must be able to program a STM8S (more info here


(For our development only)

2. Some sort of computer interfacing programing (VB c C# just needs to work.)

3. Skype communication or phone.

Now with the general qualifications out of the way lets get to the task at hand.

What i need.

Program and design the micro controller to act as a volt meter for 0-5v, send this data to the pc software and display on a HD44780 20x4 blue lcd screen.

The micro controller part is very simple. i am going to use it to take a voltage reading from a sensor and have it displayed on both the computer screen and lcd.

Now there are some special features needed besides just reading voltage.

The sensor has a few problems that can be over come by software.

First when the sensor is just started being used it needs a few second to warm up so the program needs to be able to ignore the first 5 seconds of input.

When the sensor is also not sensing heat it take a while to drop back down to 0 so for this the programmer needs to be able to see the fact that the curve is drooping very fast and to auto show zero.

While its reading the data its needs a few active displays.

First is the current reading the next is the peak current reading and third is the average current reading.

The pc software need this as well. But i would also like it to plot a graph.

The pc software needs to graph this info and also be able to save it.

I would like the software to be able to save the graph.

Each graph can be saved to its own name.

So every time you open up a graph you can read again and see the differences between the times its been done.

This feature is so you can see degradation over time.

That is the basic features. there might be more needed.

I have knowledge in programing but its been a while, so instead of spending months on a project it would save me time by letting someone else do it.

This is all for a LPM or a Laser Power Meter

This is a picture of a similar one but we are looking to add a computer interface as well as add the talked about displays.

The laser hits the sensor heat and generates a small current that goes to an opamp. The output from the opamp will go to the chip.

This job will be a paid job and can have installment payments.

Or it can also be a trade.

As i make very high powered Blue lasers.

These are not cheap nor are they made in china i have my own machine shop and they are produces from start to finish in house.

They range in power from 250mw to 1.5w.

These can light matches and burn threw cardboard. cigarettes. and skin

These are not toys. build/laserwhole.jpg

Picture of laser in our laser show system.

I will try to add more detail please ask as any questions.

additional details and info.

it does not need to monitor temp.

The sensor we use is called a TEC or better known as a thermal electric cooler.

And theres simple math behind how it generate voltage.

one side get hot and the other cold. so if you set one side to a heat sink and the other get side is painted flat black and shine a laser on it, it generates a small current to which the opamp will correct and amplify to the right reading so for the power level.

The problem with this sensor is that it can take a while for it to dissipate all of its heat.

So even after you are done shining your laser on it, it can take another 30 seconds before the volt meter to read 0. so that is why in the programing when it starts to drop at a significant rate it will just set it to 0.

I hope that clears it up.

I can supply and ship all the things needed to test and construct one.

The STM8S in the link has a built in usb programer onto it. it is a very nice invention. for 10$ you get a STM8S chip and a usb programmer. So i would like all communication to be usb. And it will be running on windows xp and vista and 7.

My main concern is xp.
Posted on October 26, 2010 at 09:47

Where are you based?

What is your budget for this?

''The STM8S in the link has a built in usb programer onto it. it is a very nice invention. for 10$ you get a STM8S chip and a usb programmer. So i would like all communication to be usb''



Note that this USB connection is purely for debug/download - it does not allow the running application to communicate over USB!

(I think I'm right there?)

Associate II
Posted on October 27, 2010 at 00:22

My budget is a bit strict but can be expanded.

I was told that it could be used for simple communication over its usb, however i have no hard evidence that it does.

It would be good to know if it can. if not then this whole project will be scraped.

Posted on October 27, 2010 at 02:25

You still didn't say where you are located.

A quick look at the schematic should confirm what the USB actually does...

If necessary, USB connection could easily be added with something like this:

Associate II
Posted on October 29, 2010 at 04:35

Posted on October 29, 2010 at 08:00

''That cable is nice but it kinda add a bit to the price''


I thought you said you were making serious, high-powered lasers - not ''cheap stuff''?

In what kind of volumes will you be making these?

For low-ish volumes, it's going to be the cost of development that is by far more significant than the parts cost!

''still not sure if it can connect to the pc and send not just receive.''

You are missing the point!

The point is not whether it can send and receive - the point is whether the application running in the chip can use it!

If (as I suspect) the USB connects only to the chip's JTAG/SWD debug pins, then it is only usable for debug/download - the application will not be able to use it for sending & receiving application comms!

(BTW: JTAG/SWD debugging does require 2-way comms)

Posted on October 29, 2010 at 08:06

Another thing: you need to check the licence terms carefully.

I don't knw about the STM8S Discovery, but the STM32 Discovery boards' licence terms prohibit use in finished products!

From the STM32 Discovery boards' licence:


The Evaluation Product allows You only to evaluate and test the ST products. You are not authorized to use the Evaluation Product in any production system, and may not be offered for sale or lease, or sold, leased or otherwise distributed. If the Evaluation Product is incorporated in a demonstration system, the demonstration system may be used by You solely for your evaluation and testing purposes. Such demonstration system may not be offered for sale or lease or sold, leased or otherwise distributed and must be accompanied by a conspicuous notice as follows: 'This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased or otherwise distributed'.''