2017-03-22 4:40 AM
microcontroller :stm8s003f3p6
when I am trying to upload the code it shows following error
Error : Cannot communicate with the device !
so I was thinking this error is shown because the internal oscillator is not configured.
then I have used following internal clock configuration in STVD but it is showing error following error
void InitialiseSystemClock()
{ CLK_ICKR = 0; // Reset the Internal Clock Register. CLK_ICKR_HSIEN = 1; // Enable the HSI. CLK_ECKR = 0; // Disable the external clock. while (CLK_ICKR_HSIRDY == 0); // Wait for the HSI to be ready for use. CLK_CKDIVR = 0; // Ensure the clocks are running at full speed. CLK_PCKENR1 = 0xff; // Enable all peripheral clocks. CLK_PCKENR2 = 0xff; // Ditto. CLK_CCOR = 0; // Turn off CCO. CLK_HSITRIMR = 0; // Turn off any HSIU trimming. CLK_SWIMCCR = 0; // Set SWIM to run at clock / 2. CLK_SWR = 0xe1; // Use HSI as the clock source. CLK_SWCR = 0; // Reset the clock switch control register. CLK_SWCR_SWEN = 1; // Enable switching. while (CLK_SWCR_SWBSY != 0); // Pause while the clock switch is busy.}&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:13(17) invalid lvalue
&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:22(16) invalid lvalue&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:21(0+8) CLK_SWCR undefined&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:20(0+7) CLK_SWR undefined&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:19(0+11) CLK_SWIMCCR undefined&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:18(0+12) CLK_HSITRIMR undefined&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:17(0+11) CLK_PCKENR2 undefined&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:16(0+11) CLK_PCKENR1 undefined&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:15(0+10) CLK_CKDIVR undefined&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:14(0+8) CLK_ECKR undefined&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:12(0+8) CLK_ICKR undefined&sharperror cpstm8 main.c:41(7) missing prototype#stvd #internal-oscillator #stm82017-03-23 2:19 AM
Presuming you are using an ST-link v2, have you got it connected correctly, are the drivers installed, is STVD configured to use it etc?
The second error is because CLK_SWR (and the others) are not defined. The respective register address is unknown. These should be available in a header file from your compiler.
Also the HSI clock is enabled by default.