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What exactly is setLoadersPath() looking for in the CubeProgrammer_API?

Associate II

I'm coming across a strange issue, and the documentation for the API isn't really helping much. I've got a small application to load some firmware using the CubeProgrammer_API, and it works perfectly if I point setLoadersPath() to "C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin". However, I'd like to include the FlashLoader files with my project so that STM32CubeProgrammer isn't required to be installed with my software. I copied over the FlashLoader folder and pointed the function to the directory the FlashLoader folder is in, but now when I call connectUsartBootloader(), it fails and returns -5: CUBEPROGRAMMER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED. Any ideas? What exactly am I missing?


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hi @MDunn.2​ 

Sorry It is a typo error , I mean *stldr files.

Don't forget please the DataBase folder also, it must be located in same level than \bin folder.


View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hi MDunn.2,

Can you please share an extract of your code where you are using setLoadersPath() ?


Associate II
    UsartConnectParameters uartParams = new UsartConnectParameters();
    // Port name array must have exactly 100 bytes in order to be passed into DLL correctly.
    uartParams.portName = new byte[100];
    Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(theState.ComPort).CopyTo(uartParams.portName, 0);
    uartParams.baudrate = 115200;
    uartParams.parity = UsartParity.EVEN;
    uartParams.dataBits = 8;
    uartParams.stopBits = 1.0f;
    uartParams.flowControl = UsartFlowControl.OFF;
    uartParams.noInitBits = 0;
    uartParams.rdu = 0;
    // Get the path of the executable. The FlashLoader folder should be located in this directory.
    string exeFilePath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
    string folderPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(exeFilePath);
    // TODO: REMOVE THIS!! For some reason the FlashLoader folder only seems to work from the installed directory.
    folderPath = "C:\\Program Files\\STMicroelectronics\\STM32Cube\\STM32CubeProgrammer\\api\\lib";
    // Set up CubeProgrammer API
    SetDisplayCallbacks(InitProgressBarCallback, MessageReceivedCallback, ProgressBarUpdateCallback);
        // Connect to the bootloader (in another thread so GUI continues to function)
        CubeProgrammerError errorCode = await Task.Run(() => ConnectUsartBootloader(uartParams));
        if (errorCode != 0)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to connect to Bootloader.\nError Code: {(int)errorCode} - {errorCode}");
        // Send the firmware file to the bootloader (in another thread so GUI continues to function)
        errorCode = await Task.Run(() => DownloadFile(openFileDialog.FileName, 0x08000000, 0, 1, ""));
        if (errorCode != 0)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to download {openFileDialog.SafeFileName}.\nError Code: {(int)errorCode}:{errorCode}");
        // Begin execution of firmware (in another thread so GUI continues to function)
        errorCode = await Task.Run(() => Execute(0x08000000));
        if (errorCode != 0)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to begin execution of new firmware.\nError Code: {(int)errorCode} - {errorCode}");
        MessageBox.Show(openFileDialog.SafeFileName + " Loaded.\nPower off the unit and set dipswitch back to \"KEEP OFF\"", "Success");
    catch ( InvalidOperationException exception )
        MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
    // Disconnect the API from the bootloader.

I created a C# wrapper class so I can use the CubeProgrammer_API in .Net, and it works fine with the TODO in there. I have copied the FlashLoader folder into the same directory as the executable, but whenever I remove the TODO portion, I get the CUBEPROGRAMMER_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED error. I even get the same issue in the UART_Example project included with CubeProgrammer.

ST Employee

one more point please, the Flashloader files should be located in the same directory structure as in CubeProgrammer I mean "LocalFolder"\FlashLoader\*.dll , is it the case?


Associate II

I'm not sure what you mean. There are no DLL files in the FlashLoader folder. I've got the CubeProgrammer_API.dll and all the dependencies in the same folder as the executable, along with the FlashLoader folder, which I copied straight over from C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin.0693W00000DqU3uQAF.jpg 

ST Employee

Hi @MDunn.2​ 

Sorry It is a typo error , I mean *stldr files.

Don't forget please the DataBase folder also, it must be located in same level than \bin folder.


Associate II

Aha! That fixed it! Thank you so much! I'd recommend adding some commentary about that somewhere in your documentation, I didn't realize the Data_Base folder was required for the API, it isn't mentioned anywhere that I can see.

ST Employee

Hi @MDunn.2​ ,

Glad to hear that issue is fixed :) .

I'm totally agree with you , we should document more the usage of API.

I will raise this point internally .
