2022-01-19 12:00 PM
I am trying to install SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer_win64 and I am seeing some issues I don't understand.
This is the path selected by default.
when I enter Next I get this error
So I created a separate directory and moved forward
while installing this error pops up
when I close this pop-up, it starts the installation again, and this error repeats.
Could you help me resolve this problem?
2022-01-19 1:15 PM
Seems like a permissions issue. Are you running as admin? Does the first path already exist and if not can you create it manually?
2022-01-19 1:22 PM
I guess it was indeed a permission issue. I tried running as admin, and it resolved. Thanks.
I had installed STMCubeMx without admin permission; I didn't face any issues. I don't know why it was a problem for this software.