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Hi,My board has STM32WB55RE on it. I have developed the code from STM32CubeMx.I am trying to program and debug via IAR workbench I am getting this error I have JLink v7.54a software installed. I opened the Jflash and tried to connect the target. It i...
Hi,I am configuring an IO is GPIO_EXTI. I can't figure out how to generate the callback function. I looked into example projects and I saw this function. HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback definitely looks like something generated by CubeMX. I would like to unde...
Hi,I am trying to install SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer_win64 and I am seeing some issues I don't understand.This is the path selected by default.when I enter Next I get this errorSo I created a separate directory and moved forward while installing this e...
I am using the latest version 6.4.0. I used a user label for some IO configuration, but when the code is generated, the code is not using the user label; For ex PC4 I used LED_1 as a label and the code is still using the label GPIO_PIN_4. How can Ige...