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STM32U5G9 fail to program with the recent CubeProgrammer Version

Associate II


I'm facing something strange.

I'm trying to program a STM32U5G9 (disco board).

It was a success, but since I've updated the cubeProgrammer Tool it's not working anymore.

I'm trying to program a 935kB binarie file.

According to the log file, CubeProgrammer erase the 62 first sectors (62 x 8 kB = 496 kB ==> 0x7C000) and start to write.
During the verifying phase, it fails @ 0x0807 C000, corresponding to the start of flash (0x0800 0000) plus the offset previously mentionned.

Checking the memory with the "Device Memory" view in CubeProgrammer, I see that the memory is not the right one.

What is strange, is that it happens after I update the cubeProgrammer (from 2.11 I think to 2.18)

The same happens on CubeIde after an update.

Everything is fine if I do a mass erase before writting, but as I am using a virtual Eeprom on flash (package en.x-cube-eeprom-v7-0-0) I don't want to erase completely the flash, otherwise, I'm loosing datas.

Anyone facing the same behaviour?
