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STM32 programmer failed PCB not working afterwards

Associate II


I'm trying to flash my custom STM32L152RET6 board using the command-line version of CubeProgrammer. Initially, everything seemed fine, but I wanted to ensure the firmware couldn't be read out. So, I set the option bytes with -ob RDP=1 to enable read protection. However, after doing this, the flashing process failed, and now my program no longer runs.

I was able to flash it again using a Segger debugger, but when I try to run the program, it crashes at startup. The voltages all seem normal, so I don't suspect a hardware issue. Could this be due to some incorrectly set registers or option bytes in the CPU?

Here’s the command I used:

STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=usb1 -ob RDP=1 -d firmware.hex -v


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!




Your app running on the STM32 should be able to print out content/state of FLASH and/or OB

Check it it write protects the base sectors.

Usually you can clear these with a Mass Erase, or walked in via the UART connection to the System Boot Loader.

As you say Segger also has an un-brick app.

Can you use ST-LINK via SWDIO/SWCLK ? To connect/inspect?

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Senior III

Try reverting the RDP level back to RDP=0 (no read protection) and see if your program starts running properly. You can do this by issuing the following command:


STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=usb1 -ob RDP=0


Look for any unexpected settings, particularly those related to:

  • Boot configuration (nBOOT0, nBOOT1)
  • Write protection (WRP)
  • Watchdog settings (IWDG_SW, WWDG_SW)
  • Flash memory configuration
  • If you want to redesign the board, you can see this for reference:

Yes I can just debug no problem. But when it inits the HAL driver it gives an exception and crashes

That is a good one I will try indeed the -ob RDP=0  option !

But what I do not understand is that the Segger SWD can just write new flash code. So its not write protected anymore. Or the Segger ignores the protection bits ?