2020-12-17 11:21 PM
I try to connect to a STM32G431 Device over JTAG. I got the following error. Has someone a solution for this error?
2020-12-17 11:24 PM
Did you upgrade to the latest tool version like STM32CuberProgrammer 2.6?
2020-12-17 11:38 PM
Yes I am using V2.6
2020-12-18 12:00 AM
Custom board? Nucleo32 works here as expected. What probe?
2020-12-18 12:50 AM
It is a self developed board. The JTAG connection works with an J-Link but not the ST-Link and STM32CubeProgrammer. Just a connection over SWD
2020-12-18 1:39 AM
Communication errors? You can lower the clock speed and re-check.
2020-12-18 1:46 AM
Firmware on the STLink recent? All STlink match JTAG ID against an internal list and reject parts they do not know(yet).
2020-12-18 1:50 AM
Firmware on ST Link is recent
2020-12-18 2:04 AM
Does connect under reset work?
2020-12-18 2:22 AM
No, it doesn't work