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STM32CubeProgrammer v2.8.0 detects the wrong flash size for the STM32L152VDT6X causing the programming to fail


The STM32L152VT6X has 384KBytes of flash memory, but the STM32CubeProgrammer detects the flash size as being 128KB. When I try to flash an image of ~170KB it fails with the error "Operation exceeds memory limits". When I flash the same image with the STLINK Utility it flashes successfully.

The first image is from the stlink utility and the second is from STM32CubeProgrammer


ST Employee

Hi @senge​ ,

Ok I will check and come back with updates soon.



Can I have the file and method to increase the flash memory for STM32L031K6 using the STM32cubeprogrammer.

Seems like the same issue exists for STM32F7508-DK, Is it fixed across the board for all devices or shall I need to have a file added to the DB?

Apt to be device unique. It is suppose to read the "FLASH SIZE" memory location in the OTP/SYSTEM area which burns in the size of flash tested. The die likely has the full complement, just untested, but probably fine.

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What's the issue with the STM32L031K6?

The die only has 32KB of FLASH, as I recall

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