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STM32CubeProgrammer not working, starting up and then closing immediately

Associate II

I've been using the programmer for a couple of week now and everything seemed to work fine.

When I powered up my pc and tried to run the program I got a starting screen that quickly disappeared. This happened even after I reinstalled the program, anyone has had this problem and knows how to solve it?

Mickey Atias


If someone still have issues with running STM32Programmer, seeing splash screen and then nothing more:

After going through ALL the answers I could find on the internet, I finally was able to fix:

  1. make sure the JAVA (JRE) is from ORACLE!
  2. JAVA_HOME points to the JRE directory
  3. add JRE to PATH



Does it mean that STM32CubeProgrammer is not support OpenJDK/JRE in Windows platform?

I am trying to use OpenJDK/JRE in Win10 for STM32CubeProgrammer installation and with no luck.

Sid Price

I am also having this problem, yes, I have Java 9 installed I NEED to have it installed. Why is this still an issue, I thought the ST team was fixing it some time ago.



Indeed this fine piece of software does work only with Oracle's Java which is not free to update! I wasted many hours trying with Amazon Corretto and AdaptOpenJDK - it starts and immediately disappears after the splash screen. I don't know why it uses Java at all as it also seems to use Qt libraries!

BTW, this is the second ST software I install after STM32CubeIDE, which also still has well known bugs and newer MCU firmware downloads fail - they have not been fixed since years. Very frustrating!

Associate II

Issue is fixed by adding -Djna.nosys=true in the newline in C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32CubeProgrammer.l4j.ini

This worked for me.