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STM32CubeProgrammer don't support CAN

Associate II

In the introduce page of STM32CubeProgrammer, it descrips that this software support CAN bootloader interface, but I just find the ST-link Uart and USB. How can I configure it to CAN?0693W00000NpaF6QAJ.png0693W00000NpaEwQAJ.png


As I recall the CAN is supported via an ST-LINK/V3SET via the adapter board

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Associate II

Many thank,In user manual, it shows the CAN shall be configured in ST-Link configuration pannel, But only JTAG and SWD selection in Port, it really confuse me~ As to you said, it required a adapater board & ST-Link could the trigger the CAN selection?

Many thank,In user manual, it shows the CAN shall be configured in ST-Link configuration pannel, But only JTAG and SWD selection in Port, it really confuse me~ As to you said, it required a adapater board & ST-Link could the trigger the CAN selection?


Be aware that the STM32 builtin CANBUS bootloader can only be used if only 1 device (the one you want to flash) is connected to the bus.

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Thank to your reply, I find if I use the ST-LINK/V3SET & STM32CubeProgrammer, the adapter only provide tx/rx, it cann't be connected to the CAN bus directly. I give up using the STM32 bootloader and code a new one.

There is plenty of cheap CANBUS transceiver boards.

Dont let that put you down.

Here is a hardware trick for your

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Haha~that is alright. I just take it as reference. Still many thanks to you