2022-11-30 8:08 AM
We are pleased to announce you that the official release of STM32CubeProgrammer v2.12.0 is available for download here.
New Features (only some highlights):
Main issues fixed in STM32CubeProgrammer 2.12.0:
Only a sub-set of the fixed issues are mentioned below:
[116538] [STM32CubeProg] Address is always equal to 0x0 when saving .bin as .hex file.
[117842] [STM32CubeProg - STM32L0] EEPROM banks are erased for one EEPROM bank selected.
[119632] [STM32L5][TZEN - Regression] Error occurred when TZEN regression field is checked.
[122194] [API][ST-LINK] No error message displayed when the MCU is not powered.
[122254] [STM32CubeProg - Documentation] Confusing behavior when running -log option without file specification.
[123745] [STM32CubeProg][STM32MP1] Even if SWD is not supported for STM32MP1, STM32CubeProgrammer
should not crash when trying to connect via SWD/JTAG.
[123960] [GUI] Switching from one section to another in the OB panel does not keep the OB box modified status.
[126294] [STM32CubeProg] Device connection issue after increasing the RDP level.
[127191] [STM32MP157] Unselecting TSV partitions times out while programming.
[127922] [CLI] CMD failure (Error cmd) should interrupt the execution of the script.
[128988] [STM32CubeProg-GUI] STM32G0B0xx device missing from device list with ID 0x467.
[130116] [STM32CubeProg] Error while programming a .bin file with more than 128 Kbyte flash memory size into an
STM32L081xZ device.
[130186] [STM32CubeProg] “start address�? in download page is grayed while filename extension .BIN is uppercase.
[130479] [GUI] “Select MCU" & "Program HSM�? buttons must be grayed for a programmed HSM.
[131027] [STM32CubeProg - Signing tool] Issue with SC-HSM / PKCS#11.
[131245] [Documentation][UM2237][SWV][CLI] Add explanation for -startswv.
[131307] [SFI on STM32H735xx] SFI window hanging.
[131765] [STM32CubeProg][Flash loader] STM32CubeProgrammer does not accept external loader file name
containing more than one dot.
[131834] [STM32WB][Stack update] Request to change the error message when trying to update stack with antirollback
activated without previous stack load.
[131987] [CLI][Error level] Program returned 0 error code when error occurred.
[132049] [DDR][CLI] Error occurs when loading DDR tool via the USB.
[132213] [STM32CubeProg - GUI] Mismatch between STM32WB35xx reference manual and STM32CubeProgrammer database.
[132528] [STM32U5] Register view issue after RDP1 password set/disable.
[132716] [Documentation] UM2237 Rev 19: Incorrect description of I2C configuration panel.
[133012] [GUI][STM32U5] Wrong number of sectors for 1-Mbyte device.
[133019] [STM32CubePRG][ST-LINK] STM32CubeProgrammer keeps reading BL version and displays it in VB3 every second.
[133020] [STM32CubeProg][STM32L0][GUI] BL version is not displayed.
[133242] [API][USB] Cannot list USB_DFU with custom VID&PID.
[134250] [Documentation][UM2237] Add explanation for -startstack.
[134536] [STM32CubeProg][TPC] “Generate Hash�? option must be checked by default.
[134843] [Documentation][UM2238] TPC wrong example for area 'K' pairs.
[135228] [SFI] Update option bytes notation in CSV files.
[135237] [STM32CubeProg][CLI] Update of Inventek Wi‑Fi® firmware fails on B-L475E-IOT01 and B-L4S5I-IOT01 boards.
[135272] [STM32CubeProg][STM32U5]Wrong flash memory sector size for STM32U575ZI (2 Mbytes).
[135805] [API] Update getExternalLoader parameter description to match current implementation.
[136171] [STM32CubeProg - Documentation][AN5054] Confusing “multi install�? expression in secure programming
using STM32CubeProgrammer application note.
[137358] [STM32G4] Erase selected sectors does not work properly on devices with 256 Kbytes of flash memory.
Known Limitations
If you have any comment, feel free to post it .