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STM32CubeProgrammer 2.11.0 released

ST Employee

New features

• Tool updater: can be used to upgrade STM32CubeProg from v2.10.0 to v2.11.0 for all supported operating systems (Windows®, Linux®, and macOS®)

• SFI: – SFIx support for STM32U585xx microcontrollers via SWD/JTAG – New SFI/SFIx graphical user interface (GUI) – STM32 Trusted Package Creator SFI GUI enhancement – Support for integrity check with the STM32H7 Series and STM32U5 Series microcontrollers • STM32U5 Series: the GUI supports the RDP regression with password

• New bootloader support for STM32L476xx microcontrollers

• STM32MP13xx microprocessors: – Flash memory load via USB-DFU/UART – SSP (command-line interface only) – OTP: CLI/GUI 

Fixed issues

90858 [STM32WB][CLI] Optimize FUS, STACK, and USER app upgrading automatically. 104409 STM32H735xx: SFI is very slow over SWD.

109240 Extra option bytes displayed for STM32G030C6: PCROP1A_STRT, PCROP1A_END, PCROP1A_RDP, PCROP1B_STRT, PCROP1B_END, and BOOT_LOCK, SEC_SIZE.

110205 Fix the reading of CHIPID (DBGMCU_DBG_AUTH_DEVICE) on STM32U5 microcontrollers.

110614 [CLI] Error level not reported correctly for the CRC safety feature using STM32CubeProgrammer_CLI.

117163 Launch problem when running the STM32CubeProgrammer GUI from another path.

119604 [STM32G0][OB] Sector erase cannot be achieved and an STM32CubeIDE debug error occurs when nSWAP_BANK=0.

120935 STPC v2.9 cannot generate a correct .sfi file for SFI.

121452 [OB] Incorrect SRAM2b secure address for STM32WB1xxx.

121713 Typo: “Memory & file edition�?.

123018 [STM32H7][CM4] BOOT_CM4_ADD cannot be modified.

123740 [DFU] The single-bank configuration is not correctly managed when connecting with DFU.

123913 [CLI] It is not possible to write the LOCK byte.

123923 [UART] A timeout error occurs while disabling the readout protection.

124081 Odd behavior in the log when connecting a NUCLEO-F030R8 using the GUI.

124446 Request to add documentation for the getAuthID command.

124763 [OB] Wrong description of nBOOT1.

125039 [DFU] Strange behavior when trying to program in single-bank mode.

127099 [STM32L4+] Fail to program STM32L4+ twice in a row.

127311 The tool closes automatically when trying to load a file the path of which contains Chinese characters.

127978 Typo in option bytes: IWGDSTDBY. 


In case anyone is wondering: there is unfortunately still a typo in the name in the URL (...-v2100-...), but it refers to the correct and current revision 20 of RN0109 for 2.11.0.

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@Nawres GHARBI​  thank you to you and Programmer and Loaders team(s)..

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I still have problems with the STM32 Programmer in DFU Mode! The programming is running through with a verify error and the controller still has the old programm? See LOG from the programmer!

 11:29:32 : USB speed  : Full Speed (12MBit/s)

 11:29:32 : Manuf. ID  : STMicroelectronics

 11:29:32 : Product ID : STM32 DownLoad Firmware Update

 11:29:32 : SN     : 206130A74734

 11:29:32 : DFU protocol: 1.1

 11:29:32 : Board    : --

 11:29:32 : IAP

 11:29:34 : UPLOADING ...

 11:29:34 :  Size     : 1048576 Bytes

 11:29:34 :  Address    : 0x8000000

 11:29:34 : Read progress:

 11:29:35 : Data read successfully

 11:29:35 : Time elapsed during the read operation is: 00:00:02.450

 11:29:47 : Memory Programming ...

 11:29:47 : Opening and parsing file: STM32L476_DFU.hex

 11:29:47 :  File     : STM32L476_DFU.hex

 11:29:47 :  Size     : 106.77 KB 

 11:29:47 :  Address    : 0x08000000 

 11:29:47 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:

 11:29:47 : erasing sector 0000 @: 0x08000000 done

 11:29:47 : erasing sector 0001 @: 0x08004000 done

 11:29:47 : erasing sector 0002 @: 0x08008000 done

 11:29:47 : erasing sector 0003 @: 0x0800c000 done

 11:29:47 : erasing sector 0004 @: 0x08010000 done

 11:29:47 : Download in Progress:

 11:29:48 : File download complete

 11:29:48 : Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:00.481

 11:29:48 : Verifying ...

 11:29:48 : Read progress:

 11:29:48 : Error: Data mismatch found at address 0x08000400 (byte = 0xB0 instead of 0xC0)

 11:29:48 : Error: Download verification failed

 11:29:48 : RUNNING Program ... 

 11:29:48 :  Address:   : 0x08000000

 11:29:48 : Start operation achieved successfully

 11:29:48 : Warning: Connection to USB device is lost

 11:29:48 : Disconnected from device.