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STM32 Programmer CLI hangs on parsing large file

Associate II

I am trying to program an F4 with an external flash chip in mapped memory mode using the STM32_Programmer_CLI. I use the cli command

STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe --connect port=SWD mode=UR reset=hwRst  -halt --erase all --download <path_to_hex> -el <path>/N25Q128A_STM32469I-DISCO.stldr

Which completes erase on internal flash and external flash, but then sits at parsing file. The file I am trying to write is 12.9MB with some flash existing in internal flash space and some flash existing in the hex position that correlates to the mapped memory modes position.

If I try to write all of just the external hex (11.8MB), I still experience the same issue. If I crop the hex file into smaller parts, it will program the correct locations in external flash.

I can successfully use the ST-LINK Utility with the same external loader to program the same hex file. I require the CLI however, because I require programming this through a script.

Is there a known limitation to the hex size the CLI can accept? How do I solve this issue?


I used the ST-LINK_CLI.exe with the same hex, the same external loader, and similar command line arguments and the programming worked as expected.

ST Employee

Hello @Gdare,

It is possible to switch to CubeProgrammer 2.8.0 version and tell me if it is OK?

In the meantime, I am trying to reproduce the problem, I will come back soon with updates.


ST Employee

Hi @GDare.1​ ,

Issue is reproduced , thanks for bringing it to our attention.

An internal ticket is submitted to CubeProgrammer development team to  to debug further and solve this issue .

Internal ticket number 114171: (PS: This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers). 


ST Employee

Hi @GDare.1​ ,

I send you a patch fixing this issue by private message, please test and tell me if it is OK.

If your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best. This will help other users find that answer faster.


The patch has solved my issue

ST Employee

Hi @GDare.1​ ,

Glad that the issue is solved !
