2021-11-04 2:57 PM
I am trying to program stm32 through SPI. I am trying to use C232HM USB 2.0 HI-SPEED TO MPSSE CABLE (C232HM-DDHSL-0 - FTDI (ftdichip.com)). I have connected the microcontroller through SPI1. The SPI connections is as follows with the FTDI cable:
SCK: Pin 11
MISO: Pin 12
MOSI: Pin 13
CS: 10
When I run the STM32CubeProgrammer software and try to detect it in the software, the software does not detect it. I am not sure if the steps that I am following is correct. I selected USB as an interface in the software if that matters (since I am using USB to SPI converter).
Any suggestions?
2021-11-04 3:08 PM
STM32CubeProgrammer doesn't have an SPI interface. "USB" is USB DFU mode.
Actually looks like I'm wrong here, sort of, per the user manual. But I don't see a way to select it. Seems like it's only available using a ST-Link as the USB->SPI bridge.
2021-11-04 6:45 PM
Yes, that uses the ST-LINK/V3 as a known entity.
Realistically if you're using different different SPI interface boards on the PC side, and specialized requirements at the target, you're almost certainly going to have to own the PC side software, and perhaps drivers/ioctl interfacing to implement the programming.
2021-11-17 6:59 AM
Hi @Community member ,
As mentioned by Tesla only ST-LINK/V3 is supported, STM32CubeProgrammer will not detect others bridges .
Hope this helps you.