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Nucleo F401RE Fail.txt - The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU

Associate II

I see a FAIL.txt file in the mass storage that says "The interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU".

LD1 and LD3 are red.

I cannot even load the simple programs like Blink LED using any IDE.

The on-board F401RE chip is quite hot. Dropping a bin file doesn't help either. Nothing is running on it.

It was working perfectly 2 days ago and I don't know why it doesn't work anymore.

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. I included some photos for reference.

P.S. I tried STMCubeProgrammer but that doesn't connect either.


16:40:25 : ST-LINK SN : 066DFF545071494867192841

16:40:25 : ST-LINK FW : V2J40M27

16:40:25 : Board    : NUCLEO-F401RE

16:40:25 : Voltage   : 0.94V

16:40:25 : Error: No STM32 target found!

I have all the latest software installed.




The voltage is wrong, perhaps check level with a multi-meter or scope.

If its burn your finger hot, something is seriously wrong.

>>It was working perfectly 2 days ago and I don't know why it doesn't work anymore.

Likely shorted something out, or placed on a conductive surface

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I have the same problem since updating the CubeIDE firmware, the STMF407 runs the Discover LED and tilt program, the F103 runs the debug interface, the link firmware can be updated, but then on a percentage of boards the fail.txt starts showing up AFTER the first attempt to program the F407!  It looks like a bug given we are finding this on larger batches of boards.

Watch that the code generator hasn't reconfigured or blocked usage of pins PA13 / PA14 or otherwise disabled the debug or SWD interface. Would suggest a relatively long spin loop in Reset_Handler() to give the debugger the opportunity to start / gain access to the MCU. Try strapping BOOT0 HIGH so user code doesn't execute.

Entering Low Power modes, or removing the ST-LINK board jumpers can also result in connectivity difficulties.

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