2018-11-13 11:09 AM
I have succesfully installed STM32Cube Programmer v1.0 and v1.21 for OS X on three Macs. One Mac is a 2011. The other two are much newer. On the newer Macs the software detects the ST-LINK but shows the target voltage as .98V. On the old 2011 Mac, the target voltage is shown as 3.3V.
I can connect to our PCB and load the Binary via SWD using the 2011 Mac, but I cannot connect to the target when using the newer Macs. After updating from V1.0 to V1.21, The issue is not related to the SW Version.
I have tried direct USB ports, powered hubs, etc. Multiple STLINKs, same USB cable.
I suspect this has to do with the lower target voltage, but I don't know why it would be lower.....Also don't know how to correct it.
Anyone else have this issue ?