2021-07-29 1:37 AM
This is how WRP bits are programmed in STLink-Utility CLI:
st-link_cli -OB WRP=0xffffffff
However, CubeProgrammer CLI appears to force me to program WRP bits bit-by-bit; this is not practical. Manual does not deal with details of options programming (which is IMO documentation deficiency, too).
Is there a way to write all WRP bits at once in CubeProgrammer CLI?
2021-08-11 8:12 AM
2021-08-12 5:32 AM
Hi @Houda GHABRI ,
STM32F303, but I don't think the problem is specific to any particular STM32 model.
2021-08-13 1:51 AM
Hi waclawek.jan ,
I confirm , using CubeProgrammer you need to program WRP bits bit by bit which is missing comparing to STLink-Utility.
I will bring it up internally to CubeProgrammer development team to add the possibility of programming WRP bits at once.
Thanks for your feedback.
Internal ticket number: 111889 (PS: This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).
2021-08-13 2:00 AM
Thanks, @Houda GHABRI .
2021-08-13 2:21 AM
I don't have F303 on my desk...
But, in one of my script for another chip, I do the following with STM32CubeProgrammer_CLI:
-ob nWRP0=1 nWRP1=1 nWRP2=1 nWRP3=1 nWRP4=1 nWRP5=1 nWRP6=1 nWRP7=1
Not sure this is what you're looking for.
2021-08-13 3:33 AM
Hi @Mike_ST ,
As I've said in the opening post, I know how to set individual WRP bits in CubeProgrammer (although it is not documented, which would be one more complaint of mine), but I seek the functionality which already existed in STLink Utility's CLI, that all WRP bits can be set at once in one word.
Setting explicitly 32 bits is cumbersome, to put it mildly.