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[How to fix this error]Always popup error like "...stldr can not be loaded".

Associate II

Hello Manager,

CubeProgrammer is not good, comparing with STlink Utility 4.6.

Always this error message box is poped up on the screen on every jobs such as read, connect...etc.

How to fix this?

Current Version : 2.10.0


Best Regards,

Tommy Lim


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee


try to deselect all external loaders.

Please check attached picture.

View solution in original post

ST Employee


try to deselect all external loaders.

Please check attached picture.

Or there is something materially wrong about the structure or function of the loader. That​ it is getting the MCU into a broken state.

W​ould need to see a more complete log at level 3.

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Associate II

Dear Mike_ST and Tesla DeLorean,

Thanks in advance for your kind reply.

After I deselected all with "Deselect All" button, above error message disappeared.

Issue is cleared.


When I compared CubeProgrammer with STLink Utility, I prefer STLink Utility.

I think STLink Utility is faster and easier than CubeProgrammer.

For example, when I read serial flash, STLinkUtility show binary view in a few seconds, but CubeProgrammer takes 1~2 minutes to show binary data view after reading 10MB.

But both tool takes similar time to read and save them to file. Anyway I am so sad STLink Utility is not updated any more.

Thanks all.

Best Regards,

Tommy Lim

>> Anyway I am so sad STLink Utility is not updated any more.

Yes, it is a pity it isn't

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