2023-03-06 3:27 AM
I am trying to connect the STM32 MCU to STLINK using stm32cubeprogrammer but it shows: Error: No STM32 target found!.
i have powered the MCU by connected 3.3V to VDD and VBAT,connected GND to VSS of MCU, SYS_SWCLK to SWCLK of STLINK-V2 and SYS_SWDIO to SWDIO of STLINK-V2, i have connected an pushbutton with a PULLUP resistor to NRST pin of MCU.
when i tries to connect STM32CUBEPROGRAMMER with STM32 it shows the error given bellow.
Please give me some suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
2023-03-06 4:45 AM
Hello @MQasi.2 ,
Thank you for reporting this issue.
Could you please check this few points:
I will be waiting for your feedback.
2023-03-06 9:05 PM
Hello @Rim LANDOLSI ,
Thanks for responding.
I have checked the points you mentioned, everthing seems OK but i'm still facing the same issue.
2023-03-13 3:23 AM
Hello @MQasi.2 ,
Thanks for your feedback,
Please try to connect the MCUs NRST pin directly to the STLink-V2 NRST pin (pin 15) and make sure that the power supply VDD from the application board is connected to the ST-LINK/V2 pin1 to ensure signal compatibility between the boards.
You also need to connect at least one of STLink/V2 GND to the ground.
Let me know if it helps!
2023-04-06 3:18 AM
Thanks for responding.
i have did that but unfortunately it doesn't work.
2023-04-06 4:37 AM
Hello @MQasi.2 ,
Could you please send me the schematic for further check ?
Thanks in advance,
2023-04-06 6:09 AM - edited 2023-11-20 7:42 AM
Hello @Sara BEN HADJ YAHYA (ST Employee)
Thanks for responding.
Here is the schematics of STM32G070
Here is the schematic of STLink V2-1
and there connection is
previously i was trying to connect it through STlink V2 but as in its nucleo board they are using STLink V2-1.
while i try to connect the STLink V2-1 with the MCU it shows Error: No STM32 target found!.
i tried to connect via UART so i was sucessfull to connect the MCU to STM32cubeprogrammer and i have uploaded a programs hex file and the program is running fine. As i reset the MCU the program in flash is init again but i am not able to connect cube programmer to MCU via STLInk UART by showing the erorr:
I can't able to find what should i do to with which the mcu jump into system memory and run the bootloader and connect the cube programer to MCU via STLink UART.
if any thing else you need to ask i'll post it.
Thanks in advance.
2023-04-07 6:08 AM - edited 2023-11-20 7:42 AM
Hello @Sara BEN HADJ YAHYA (ST Employee)
Thanks for responding.
Here is the schematics of STM32G070
Here is the schematic of STLink V2-1
and there connection is
previously i was trying to connect it through STlink V2 but as in its nucleo board they are using STLink V2-1.
while i try to connect the STLink V2-1 with the MCU it shows Error: No STM32 target found!.
i tried to connect via UART so i was sucessfull to connect the MCU to STM32cubeprogrammer and i have uploaded a programs hex file and the program is running fine. As i reset the MCU the program in flash is init again but i am not able to connect cube programmer to MCU via STLInk UART by showing the erorr:
I can't able to find what should i do to with which the mcu jump into system memory and run the bootloader and connect the cube programer to MCU via STLink UART.
if any thing else you need to ask i'll post it.
Thanks in advance.