2023-08-02 2:49 AM - edited 2023-08-02 4:45 AM
I am having issues with programming a target board with a genuine ST-Link board (got from Farnell) . I have been using a cheap programmer that works, and as I have upgraded to the new IDE (from atollic) it fails to work , but still works on the STM32CubeProgrammer. The genuine ST-Link communicates with the PC, but cant connect to the Cube Programmer, while the cheap one works perfect. I have set the ST-Link Configuration to the below.I also have the images from the logic analyser during a connect sequence. As this is on the same target board and the cheap one work, I think this points to an issue with the genuine programmer. I managed to get a loan of another genuine one, and that too has the same effect. A noticeable difference the serial clock starts before the Reset line goes low , unlike the genuine no clock till a good while after the reset line , and I assume it times out before this. Anyone any idea, I am totally baffled. I checked all the voltages on the board and are correct. The cheap one works on software reset as well as hardware.
Any help would be great
2023-08-02 5:10 AM
What is your target MCU? (genuine or not?) Version of CubeProgrammer?
"new IDE (from atollic)" - seriously?
2023-08-02 5:54 AM - edited 2023-08-02 6:09 AM
Our target MCU is a STM32L433 , and is genuine from a distributor. CubeProgrammer is version 2.14.
Regarding the IDE, I meant I upgraded to the latest CubeIDE from atollic because the new cubeMX doesnt export the project correctly in atollic. The IDE doesnt work with either the new and cheap programmer. I got as far as the CubeProgrammer working with the cheap programmer, and stuck at this. I dont understand why there is so much of a difference in the analyser output with both of them (as above).
2023-08-02 6:19 AM
How exactly is it connected to the board? Appropriate header or long jumper wires? Picture would be nice. Try a lower speed.
2023-08-02 6:44 AM - edited 2023-08-02 6:48 AM
We have an appropriate header, and long jumper wires. Actually, the cheap programmer lead is longer than the genuine. I have tried the lower speed too. Anyone know why the difference in the analyser output? Looks like we get a not found due to the time the programmer sends out a clock pulse compared to the cheap one
I even tried it all on a computer that hadnt got any st-link drivers, programmer etc, and is still the same. So think that rules out the drivers
2023-08-02 7:06 AM - edited 2023-08-02 7:07 AM
Do the "genuine" st-links have virtual USB disks? (I guess that the "cheap" does not?)
Are all your computers managed by your company IT, with same set of mandatory junk-ware?
2023-08-02 7:09 AM
None of the ST-Links came with USB disks. The cheap one came with nothing, the genuine with a leaflet pointing to stm.com . We set up the computers ourselves (Windows 10 and 11), they are not managed by IT
2023-08-02 7:19 AM - edited 2023-08-02 7:20 AM
I think Pavel means do they come up like a USB MSC device (Flash Drive), where you can drag-n-drop .BIN files? ie USB composite device, MSC, VCP, etc.
Also understand that the data pin is bidirectional, so you're not just looking at the signal sent by the ST-LINK, but the response of the MCU. Now obviously if the MCU doesn't respond in the manner anticipated the link is going to fail.
Drop the speed. Perhaps look at what pull-up / down you have going on with your board vs SWCLK / SWDIO
2023-08-02 7:31 AM - edited 2023-08-02 7:52 AM
I see what you (Pavel) means, sorry. They dont come up with anything, and dont show as a drive.
I dont have any pullup/down on the SWCLK/SWDIO, just tried 10k on both, no difference. I would expect this to happen to the cheap one, not genuine
2023-08-02 8:36 AM - edited 2023-08-02 9:13 AM
I found a Nucleoboard and set it up to be used as a ST-Link to my own board. And the it worked with the STM32CubeProgrammer, on the same board as above. Strange how the 2 genuine ST-Links dont work, and the Nucleo board, and cheap one works. I can erase the board etc..
I then tried the STM32CubeIDE V 1.13 , and all the programmers couldnt be found when I tried to program the board. This is getting so strange.