2020-02-23 09:49 PM
I am using stm32L072RB MCU,
When I am assigning pins using STM32CubeMX ,why it shows conflict for some pins ,and is it very critical ?
For E.g. -
Partly disabled conflict with:
PC9 mapped with GPIO_output or/and
SYS: Serial Debug Wire
Where i have assigned USB to PA12 and PA11 pins not to PC9
2020-02-23 10:14 PM
It is showing conflict for the USB_NOE pin, which can be mapped to PC9 or PA13 (SWD debugger I/O). Just ignore it.
As long as you can configure the pins you want to use, you can safely ignore the yellow ! signs.
2020-02-23 10:17 PM
Reconfiguring the JTAG/SWD pins at runtime will disable the debugger, causing possible issues when trying to reconnect or flash.
Unless you know what you do and have no other option, leave the debug pins alone.