2023-03-08 5:17 AM
Insted of using the computer as the Host, i want to work with an STM32 microcontroller usb host. The device uses a standard FTDI USB to serial converter as the main mechanism to communicate between the computer and controller. Instead of using the computer, I want to use STM32F4 as a host to communicate with the device.
STM32 -> USB -> FTDI -> Machine controller
Which class i have to choose in cubeMX configuration i didn't find Vendor Specific Class in the options ?
(those are the options USB_Host Class for FS IP : HID/MSC/VPC(cdc)/Host support all classes )
Is this gitproject usefull?
2023-03-08 6:21 AM
May I ask you why you want to transfer the data via USB and then convert from USB to serial, maybe RS-232?
Wouldn't it be a bit easier to output the data without USB and FTDI directly via U(S)ART?
2023-04-11 6:45 AM
Hi Peter,
I have a similar problem.
I wan to be able to use my STM32F746 and 769 Discovery as portable terminals to configure and test my STM32WB55 and LoRaWAN B072... Sigfox devices. (and others)
I am using the above two devices from the USB to make testing easier whilst I develop PCB.
I do NOT want to use UART devices I MUST use the USB CDC
a) I want to use the other UART devices fro instruments I am testing
b) I want my portable environment consistent with laptop and desktop debug environment
c) I want to be able to use the F749 device on other USB projects
d) any number of other reasons.
When I plug the devices in, they enumerate as class FF rather than 02 .... so how do I make a driver?
The same thing happens when I use CP2102 and FTDI chips.
Please can someone point me to resources that will help me configure device descriptors and code