2019-05-28 12:54 AM
Coming from a short odyssey with CubeMX and System Workbench, I just installed STM32CubeIDE. I decided so 'cause I had quite some issues in copying projects from the examples provided in the CubeMX installation and thought STM32CubeIDE would be a completely different thing. Now I discovered that it basically is "just" a bundle of System Workbench and CubeMX. Plus, i now cannot find any example projects, which were previously available with the CubeMX package. Aren't they included anymore with the installation (although ir's a smashing 2 GB on the HD)? If not included, what would i need to install to get the examples again (I guess i don't want to install CubeMX again since that functionality right now is integrated in CubeIDE).
Once i have an example library, how would i copy an example (in order to keep the original untouched) to a new project that i can freely modify?
I'm not at all a newcomer to MCU development, but with this step I failed miserably with SW.
Many thanks in advance,
-- Thilo
2019-05-28 7:59 AM
Ok, made a bit of progress. I needed the STM32CubeL4 MCu package, another 770 MByte. Now i at least have all the examples at hand. The immediate follow-up question now is: how can i make a copy of a particular example in there (to not modify the original project)? I tried File -> Import, but i.e. main.c will still be the original file. I tried manually copying a particular project into my workspace directory and open that one, which works, but then during compile it complains about missing main.h and/or stm32_hal.h files, so it seems some file references got hosed during the manual copy.
How do all you guys work with the provided examples? Just jump in and modify the original ones? Or did anyone out there ever succeed in actually working on a copy of a project?
2019-05-28 8:45 AM
In Keil and IAR, one typically just clones the projects at the same directory depth and get back to work..
My last encounter with Atollic/Eclipse stuff was that the workspaces were a ******* disaster.