2019-12-16 6:17 AM
Hello community.
There was a problem with sending data via SPI. After the successful transmission of the first package, the second and further package arrive shifted by one bit. The whole package shifts. Now I fixed the problem by reinitializing the SPI after sending the package, but this is a bad solution to the problem.
I also noticed that after shifting the most significant bit, the MISO bus changes (seen in the video 4 sec and 28 sec). I tried changing CPOL and CPHA, but it did not produce results.
I generate the code on CubeMX. I use the HAL_SPI_Transmit function for maximum simplicity.
Board stm32f030f4p6.
I attach a video demonstrating the displacement, also a project on CubeMX.
sample code:
#define CS_in_Pin GPIO_PIN_7
#define CS_in_GPIO_Port GPIOA
SPI_HandleTypeDef hspi1;
static uint8_t isTransmiteFinish = 0;
void Func_SPI_Trans()
HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_res;
static uint16_t data = 1;
static uint16_t dataSize = 1;
static int timing = 500;
hal_res = HAL_SPI_Transmit( &hspi1, (uint8_t *)&data , dataSize, timing );
if ( hal_res == HAL_OK )
isTransmiteFinish = 0;
int debug = 0;
if ( hal_res != HAL_OK )
int debug = 0;
int main(void)
GPIO_PinState cs_pinState = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin( CS_in_GPIO_Port, CS_in_Pin );
if ( cs_pinState == GPIO_PIN_RESET )
if ( isTransmiteFinish )
if ( cs_pinState == GPIO_PIN_SET )
isTransmiteFinish = 1;
int debug = 0;
Could you help? What could be the problem?