2016-09-27 2:50 AM
I working with stm 32 f 429 with cubemx (to init ethernet)in cubemx PHY is DP83848 but i using LAN8720aWhat changes should be in Keil (FOR Lan8720a) ?any body know?There is contents dispersed in some page in this forum but incomplete Does anyone have sample code with LAN8720a & HAL driver? #cubemx #stm32f4 #ethernet #lwip2016-10-01 11:38 AM
No Body is not here ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-10-01 4:02 PM
Very few people here providing answers, even fewer using HAL.
I would suggest you review implementation for thehttps://www.element14.com/community/community/designcenter/stm32f4-discovery-expansion-boards
breakout board which uses the LAN8720 in RMII mode. I'd pay particular attention to the PHY_ADDR. You could look for other STM32 based boards using the chip also.2017-05-29 11:26 PM
Were you able to get this to work? If so, I would appreciate your help as I am trying the same thing with STM32F407VG using the HAL library but no luck.
2017-07-31 5:49 AM
I found the following information on internet which could be helpful for you:
Hopefully, it will help you..Greetings
2017-07-31 9:51 AM
I have made stm32f4 discovery + LAN8720 PHY work with no problems (also using HAL) if any of you still have questions. Fire away! I will try to help you as much as I can.Have a nice day-Andy2017-09-11 2:57 PM
Hi Andy, how are you?
Which board did you used? STM32F429-DISC1? I'm reading a lot to solve my problem and every site that was talking about this board, I must to do some rework in the board. I'm already loosing my mind (lol). If you're using this board, can you help me to get my project run?
I really appreciate your support!
2017-09-18 5:19 AM
Had the same problem. It was the reset line to the LAN8720 you need to set it in the low_level_init and not after the MX_LWIP_Init in main. So bring the chip out of reset before doing the init.
2018-10-30 9:27 AM
Hello andy,
I am working with lan8720 and stm32f407. I generated code using stm32cubemx with lwip and eth driver. Code is compiled successful and I connect lan8720 with stm32f407 as per RMII mode. I put LWIP_Init() in main and LWIP_Process() and Led blinking in while loop. Now I flash the programme led is blinking but Ethernet didn't get IP and no light on lan8720 ,ethernet link not up. So any one can help me what configuration required while generating code . If any one have sample code please share with me .
2018-11-12 4:43 AM
I got following error. How can I solve this error ?
Assertion "netif is not up, old style port?" failed at line 727 in ../Middlewares/Third_Party/LwIP/src/core/ipv4/dhcp.c