2019-05-29 09:11 AM
We have been having issued with printf redirection on more recent Cube versions, so I got out on eval board and built a Hello World project.
I created it with CubeMX 4.27, got it working (seems ?default? libraries at some point, as I had to change __io_putchar to _write() to get the io to display)
To test the HAL and hardware I manually wrote to UART3, which had to work before I could redirect anything useful...
I then opened the IOC project with Cube 5.2 and regenerated code.
Reopened the workspace, reimported the project, built and ran the code.
I still got the output from HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, buf, strlen(buf), 0xFFFF);
but the printf caused a hardfault in puts_r
I have attached both projects, did the libraries change again?