2020-10-06 10:48 AM
I have created project using the STM32CubeIDE with .ioc.
And added new folder for application code.
Problem statement:
Any API defined in my application file which under the Application folder will not identified by the Core files.
I have defined the path for my Application folder.
I have also attached my project.
Please let me know what is going wrong.
2020-10-08 12:26 AM
Could anyone please give some directions?
Niranjan Hegde
2022-04-13 1:56 AM
I do not opened your project, but I suppose that you had created the folder from the Project Explorer, right clic to the parent directory -> New/Folder instead of New/"Source folder".
To convert your "Folder" to "Source folder": https://pcbartists.com/firmware/stm32-firmware/undefined-reference-to-function-stm32-cubeide-solution/
[Use your Project/Properties/"C/C++ General"/"Paths and Symbols"/"Source Location" and probably Includes tab.]
Regards !