2020-11-05 1:46 AM
Around 40 tutorial videos are accessible from STM32CubeMX in Help menu/Tutorial videos since STM32CubeMX 6.0.0 release.
All those videos intend to answer frequent STM32CubeMX users questions.
It deals with various subjects such as FreeRTOS, DMA, GPIO, Software packs, System view tips, Getting started with X-Cube BLE, pinout view tips…
Those videos will be available to China users in the next STM32CubeMX release (6.1.0).
If you think that some specific tips, features or complex subjects are not yet addressed with these tutorial videos, we will be glad to hear your valuable proposals.
Thanks to share your ideas with maximum of details.
2021-03-17 3:18 AM
2021-03-23 8:50 AM
2021-03-26 11:52 AM
No music please.
Yes, one can mute the videos, of course. Here's the problem: How do we know someone will start talking in the middle of the video while it is muted?
That aside, ST does a fantastic job of having tons of video material to help designers. I love it.
2021-04-08 10:21 AM
At this moment all STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.11.0\Projects\P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo\Applications\BLE\BLE_HealthThermometer\STM32CubeIDE is not fully compabiality with CubeMX. ST engineers use CubeMX for generate this projects and change a lot of. So this examples are blackbox.
Users need video tutorials how create BLE projects via CubeMX. For me the most interesting is BLE mesh projects: BLE_MeshLightingPRFNode, BLE_MeshLightingPRFNode, BLE_MeshLightingProvisioner.
@Jeanne Joly_O
2021-04-08 10:27 AM
2021-05-08 1:04 PM
I'd appreciate a step by step video that shows how to build a simple application from the bottom up that uses several peripherals that are typically used together (UARTs, USARTs, I2C, SPI, timer, SDMMC with FatFs). By bottom up, I mean starting with a new, empty STM32 project and adding the necessary .h and .c files into the project in a reasonably flat hierarchy. Here's an example of why this would be useful to non-master programmers like me. I have been able to get FatFs projects working when I start from the ST provided examples. But trying to figure out how that ST example works, like figuring out which SDMMC pins are being used, is exceptionally time consuming. And to make matters worse, integrating a working UART example into the working SDMMC/FatFS example breaks things that work fine in my stand alone examples.
2021-05-09 12:47 AM
FatFS tutorial is needest!
2021-05-23 12:09 AM
A video on how to protect IP on devices, in particular the cheaper variants such as STM32F0 and STMF32F1 rather than the STM32F4's
2021-06-13 9:49 AM
How to import your CubeMX project to Mbed.
2021-06-13 9:59 AM
How to use SPI bus with MAX31865, PT100
How to use I2C bus with ADS1115, ADC
How to use I2C bus with DS3231, RTC
And other chips