2019-10-08 2:56 AM
I bought a STM32H745I-DISCO dev board because STM32CubeMX support was mentioned. However I find that if I choose that board within Board Selector, then later look at Toolchain/IDE options, TrueSTUDIO is greyed out for some reason. Is this a known issue? Is it likely to be fixed soon?
In the case of what would be very disappointing news that such support was not likely to arrive soon, would it be feasible for me to manually construct such a project in TrueStudio myself, perhaps reusing files generated for other toolchains? Any guidance of how to set up a dual-core project like this would be most appreciated; I was hoping that STM32CubeMX could take the edge off the learning curve but I've got very little to work with at the moment unfortunately.
Thanks in advance,