2022-07-01 1:32 AM
What is new in STM32CubeMX V6.6.0?
• Added the support for the new STM32MP131, STM32MP133, and STM32MP135 microprocessors: STM32MP131(A-C-D-F)AEx, STM32MP131(A-C-D-F)AFx, STM32MP131(A-C-D-F)AGx, STM32MP133(A-C-D-F)AEx, STM32MP133(A-C-D-F)AFx, STM32MP133(A-C-D-F)AGx, STM32MP135(A-C-D-F)AEx, STM32MP135(A-C-D-F)AFx, and STM32MP135(A-C-D-F)AGx.
• Added the support for one new board related to the STM32MP1 Series: STM32MP135F-DK.
• Added the support for one new part number in the STM32L4 Series: STM32L476VGYxP.
• Added a search feature to help setting the MCUs, MPUs, boards, and examples selector filters
• Added the support for CAD resources in the MCU and MPU Selector and the ST Tools tab. Provides access to the EDA symbols, footprints, and 3D models for the user’s application.
• Added the support for LPBAM firmware for the projects with Arm® TrustZone®(a) (TZEN=1) in the STM32U575/585 product line.
• Added the support for two new boards related to the STM32WB Series: STEVAL-ASTRA1B and B-WB1M-WPAN1.
• Added the support for one new board related to the STM32U5 Series: STEVAL-STWINBX1.
• Removed TrueSTUDIO, System Workbench for STM32 (SW4STM32), and the GPDSC option from the list of supported IDEs in STM32CubeMX.
Main fixed issues
102080 [STM32CubeMX-CodeGen][Pack application w/ CMSIS-RTOS v1/v2] Wrong startup sequence generated in main.c.
120047 [STM32CubeMX-FDCAN][STM32G0] Display time quantum, time for one bit, and daud rate in FDCAN configuration panel.
120375 [LL][RCC][Code-Generation] Waiting for LSE call generated when ETR1 is used in TIMx while LSE is not used.
121604 [STM32CubeMX-BLE][Code-Generation] CFG BLE options does not reflect the changes made in UI.
123427 [STM32H7][STM32CubeMX-RCC] Missing RCC_PERIPHCLK_OSPI in PeriphCommonClock_Config() when OCTOSPI2 is used.
123452 [STM32CubeMX-QUADSPI][STM32CubeMX-context][BootROM] The Q-SPI mode turns red when BootROM is checked.
124991 [STM32L4+][STM32CubeMX-OSPI][Code-Generation] Wrong generated Delay Block Bypass value.
126105 [STM32H7 2-Mbyte flash memory][STM32CubeMX-LwIP] Cannot enable LwIP when MbedTLS is enabled.
126115 [ADC][LL][STM32G4] Wrong LL code for ADC1 and ADC5 if temperature sensor, Vbat, and Vref channels are selected.
126386 [STM32MP15x][LL] GPIO mode not set to input when configuring an EXTI pin. 126570 [STM32CubeMX-RTC] RTC enable wake-up is missing when RTC wake-up interrupt through EXTI line is enabled.