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STMCubeMX V 5.0 TIM6 problem I'm using LL libraries. The interrupt generated with any setting always has a frequency around 3.6 MHz. Thanks for your help.

Associate II

STMCubeMX V 5.0 MCC STM32F413VHT6, TIM6 problem I'm using LL libraries. The interrupt generated with any setting always has a frequency around 3.6 MHz. Thanks for your help.


Well, go to debug mode and look at the timer register values. You can manually adjust them, run and stop the code to find out what maybe wrong. Debug phase. Or compare with a similar LL example coming from the closest stm32 nucleo board.

Associate II

I have done other applications with STM32F4 64 and 144 pins with STMCube versions prior to V5.0 and everything works fine. I also compared the software but I did not find anything strange. I do not have much practice with debugging now however I will try. Thank you

For anyone at ST to review/validate you might want to provide the project and .IOC file so they can recreate/test.

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Associate II

Thanks for the information I annex .ioc file. This is also a problem to setup the speed for UART10 seems double.