2018-08-09 5:39 PM
Hi Everyone,
I am using STM32L100RCT6 at the moment for my own personal project and I want to add watchdog function in my code especially IWDG. So I want to ask if there is any tutorial and example code I could use or does anyone has experience in setting it up. Sorry, I am a beginner and this is just the last bit of my own project. Many thanks
2018-08-10 5:18 AM
You can start from the IWDG example available within the STM32CubeL1 firmware package:
So, you can check how this example was implemented and get inspiration to develop your application, it may helps you.
Have a look to your related reference manual in the section " Independent watchdog (IWDG)" and you can look on the attached presentation labs and follow "3.3.2 IWDG lab" section.
Hope this helps you.
With Regards,
2018-08-12 5:28 PM
@Imen DAHMEN ,
Hi, Imen.
There is nothing under Project file (not in version1.8.1 but 1.8.0 has the example) and I will definitely read the reference manual and the slides.
2018-08-12 9:10 PM
Also, could I get slides for lab 0 as mentioned in the slides please?
I wonder if you would have slides for STM32L1 and slides to setup WWDG.
Kind Regardsm