2019-03-01 05:59 AM
hello, after configuring the rtc in the cube the clock does not start. The initialization procedure calls the error handler. I checked that the RTC_EnterInitMode function is a problem. The INIT bit in the ICSR register is not set. Rule SET_BIT (hrtc-> Instance-> ICSR, RTC_ICSR_INIT); did not work. What could be the reason?
2019-03-06 07:17 AM
PWR_CR1.DBP not being set?
2019-03-07 01:17 AM
I checked this bit and it is set before the initialization. Do you have maybe STM32G071 and could you check if you are running RTC?
2019-03-27 02:51 AM
2019-03-27 04:44 AM
Indeed, the G0 has a RCC_APBENR1.RTCAPBEN bit, this is not present in any other family AFAIK.
The older 'F74x does not have it, but the 'F767 does. Similarly, in the 'L4xx subfamily, the oldest 'L476 does not have it. It's also in the 'H7. In some models it is by default set, in others it is not.