2017-05-24 01:11 AM
Hello World,
Im new to working on LwIP and I want to create a simple Webserver based on LwIP stack and FreeRTOS configured by the CubeMX. I read carefully all the user manual. I also tried to run and digged into the Netconn HTTP server example, but I still couldnt make it work!
I guess my configurations in the CubeMX has problems, so I post them here, if anyone have successfully worked on this project can help me, if possible could I have your .ioc file to study more about my problem ?
Thank for read my post in advance
My ETH config
LwIP config. I disabled HTTPD feature.
This is my FreeRTOS configs
This is my
StartDefaultTask function that I followed an tutorial. I replaced the task in the example by this code and it worked great.
void StartDefaultTask(void const * argument)
{ /* init code for LWIP */ MX_LWIP_Init();/* USER CODE BEGIN 5 */
struct netconn *pListeningConnection, *pAcceptedConnection; err_t err; pListeningConnection = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);err = netconn_bind(pListeningConnection, NULL, 80);
for (;;) { err = netconn_accept(pListeningConnection, &pAcceptedConnection); if (err == ERR_OK) { struct netbuf *inbuf = NULL; err = netconn_recv(pAcceptedConnection, &inbuf);netbuf_delete(inbuf);
static const char HelloWorld[] = ''HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html><body><h1>Hello, World</h1>This message is shown to you by the lwIP example project.</body></html>'';
netconn_write(pAcceptedConnection, (const unsigned char*)HelloWorld, sizeof(HelloWorld), NETCONN_NOCOPY); netconn_delete(pAcceptedConnection); } } /* USER CODE END 5 */ }#stm32cubemx* #stm32f7 #lwip #freertos