2019-03-25 3:07 PM
Hi all,
I want to handle STM32F407 Disco via VCP. In the first case, i tried to configure UART but when i connect my USB TTL converter to my PC: it informs me that VCP error ''This device cannot start(code 10)''.
I thought that the probem is related to my USB converter
Then i tried to configure CDC USB:
USB_OTG_FS on mode Device only
activate USB_Device middelware in CDC mode
check the CubeMX file attached for more details
but the problem still exist!===> VCP error ''This device cannot start(code 10)''.
and here is the define in "usbd_desc.c" file
#define USBD_VID 1155
#define USBD_MANUFACTURER_STRING "STMicroelectronics"
#define USBD_PID_FS 22336
#define USBD_PRODUCT_STRING_FS "STM32 Virtual ComPort"
#define USBD_SERIALNUMBER_STRING_FS "00000000001A"
=====> Please how can i handle to fix this issue! if there is a wrong value generated by CubeMX! or a change that should i do in my environement (PID, VID....)
this is a real problem for me that block my project0
Please any solution or workaround for this
many thanks
2019-03-25 6:18 PM
Hi. Install the following driver package and test again. Please post your results.
2019-03-26 12:20 AM
2019-03-26 1:28 AM
Hi @Amel NASRI ,
Please did you have any suggestion or fix for this VCP error,
Thanks in advance