2016-03-25 4:18 AM
I use a CubeMx V1.0, version 4.14.0.
Firmware Package SMT32F2 family, V1.3.0 / 20-November-2015.
There is an error in the file stm32fxx_hal_tim.c, in HAL_TIM_IC_Start_DMA function.
The problem is the beginning of the code, with the handling of the return state.
if((htim->State == HAL_TIM_STATE_BUSY))
return HAL_BUSY;
else if((htim->State == HAL_TIM_STATE_READY))
if((pData == 0 ) && (Length > 0))
return HAL_ERROR;
htim->State = HAL_TIM_STATE_BUSY;
In my application, I use 4 channels of the same TIM with DMA requests.
If we start a DMA with one channel of TIMx, it is impossible to start another DMA channel of this same TIMx, because the HAL returns always BUSY.Can the ST team update this driver ? Since it's a part of the drivers used by CubeMx, it's a very annoying problem.
Thanks :)
#stcubemx #tim #stm32 #dma #hal2016-03-25 9:47 AM
Hi Stivy,
Thanks for your feedback. I will check this internally and come back to you. -Hannibal-