2020-05-26 6:47 AM
Hi all, Thanks for the support. I am using STM32CubeMx V5.6.1 to generate the driver for STM32F205VGTx USB OTG High speed dual role function.
I required USB OTG High speed for communication between to STM32 controller. So I am trying to enable using the STM32CubeMx V5.6.1. But I see WARNING as "This IP has no parameter to be configured"(Refer Image attached).
Thanks for sharing the experience.
2020-11-22 11:57 PM
This should not be a problem.
The real problem is the Middleware USB_HOST and USM_DEVICE disabled.
Reading other old questions (2015 https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkgMdSAJ/mx-usb-and-host-vs-device-support) I think the only solution is a DIY approach.
During last 5 years no improvements from ST on this?
(I asked my FAE but I got no answer)