2017-09-27 12:36 AM
Have good days...
I am trying to connect my STM32F107VC EasyMx Pro V7 development board with Visualgdb. I am using Visual Studio 2015 Community. My example is LedBlink which is codes from STM32CubeMx. I did provisioning of STMCubeMx and VisualStudio. I don't have error message or warning when i build my codes in Visual Studio. My debug method is OpenOCD, programming interface is St-Link v2. When i check communication Stlink Detect and Test OpenOCD Settings, there is no problem. However i have error that is name 'No executable file specified. Use the 'file' or 'exec-file' command. Cannot resolve the address of _estack. Skipping stack pointer validity check.' when i try to debug with Visualgdb. And i was not able to find the solution.
Would you mind help ing me this problem ? How to solve this debug error ?
I already remain grateful your assistance...
#stlinkv2-1 #debug #openocd #visual-studio #stm32cubemx #stm32f107vc #stm32-error-debug #visualgdb2017-09-28 01:39 PM
InVisualGdb this message means that your project is a library and not an executable.
At project propertieschange the highligted ''Static library'' to ''executable''