2020-11-13 3:09 AM
Hello. I have set up TSC using the standard CubeMX config on Group 2 and 3, where the sampling is connected to G3_IO1 and G2_IO1. However, when i run the program, i get an assertion failure at the initialization on assert_param(IS_GPIO_AF_INSTANCE(GPIOx)); It seems the GPIOC port where is G3_IO1 connected to does not support Alternate Functions.
Here's the code the assertion does:
Here's a repo that reproduces the error: https://github.com/hyldmo/tsc-test. I used CubeMX 6.0.1 (and have seen the same on previous versions as well)
However, it seems like the touch works decently. Is this something i should be concerned about?
2020-11-23 7:26 AM
Anyone has any ideas?