2019-03-21 10:19 AM
During the ADC configuration for STM32G071RB in CubeMX, the program hangs. This is only for ADC. I checked it on two computers.
2019-03-21 12:25 PM
Mine works OK.
You may have JAVA problem
2019-03-22 12:46 AM
You're right, I've uninstalled all previous versions of java and installed the latest problem has disappeared.
2019-03-22 2:05 AM
2019-03-22 2:20 AM
The cube is a evident problem, You can see when you turn something into a problem with ADC. See I have ADC turned on and the configuration from I2C is displayed
2019-03-22 6:07 AM
Works for me.
2019-03-26 5:18 AM
2019-04-22 12:12 PM
I am also having this issue in CubeMX v5.1.0. When I click on the ADC configuration in the left panel, CubeMX freezes. I reinstalled version 5.0.1 and I do not have the problem. I do have the latest version of Java 8 for mac installed, so I am not sure if java is causing the issue, perhaps it is a bug in CubeMX? I have specifically been attempting to create a default project for the L496 Discovery board.