2023-08-21 7:21 AM - last edited on 2023-08-21 7:45 AM by KDJEM.1
When Itry to open this file, I have this message. Do you know the way to update the version 6.9.1 for STM32CubeMX ?
I don't know if I must update together with STM32CubeIDE version ? I have currently version 1.10.1 for STM32CubeIDE.
Thank you for your helps.
2023-08-21 7:26 AM
You only need to update STM32CubeIDE. That has its own version of STM32CubeMX that gets installed which is separate from the stand-alone STM32CubeMX installation.
2023-08-21 7:30 AM
I just have to click on this button ?
2023-08-21 8:20 AM
2023-08-22 12:12 AM - edited 2023-08-22 1:46 AM
After installing the new version I got this message below :
I answer why it still keeps the old version and not the 1.13.1 version
I'll try if I don't have an error from CUBEMX.
I can launch STM32CUBEIDE but it closes automatically.
And I have this message below :
What does that mean 'Log4j initialization ....too late ?' I think something is wrong between STM32CUBEIDE and STM32CUBEMX.
Do you have the right method to update the software ? Thank you for your helps
2023-08-22 4:53 AM - edited 2023-08-22 4:56 AM
@DYann.1 To avoid updating your CubeIDE (and possibly ruining "working" projects), just install the CubeMX v. 6.9.1. Several CubeMX and IDE versions can be installed side by side. Then open your .ioc file with this CubeMX. If you want to make changes and re-generate the code: to be safe, make a copy of your project aside, generate and compare/merge. The new CubeMX may ask you to "migrate" to newer release of the firmware library. This is your choice. Often you can stay as is. Update the library only if there is a real reason for this.
(No, this is not a waste. Your time and sanity are more valuable than few GBs on the disk).
2023-08-22 5:40 AM - edited 2023-08-22 5:40 AM
Thank you,
But now I can open STM32CubeIDE and the file .ioc with STM32CubeMX but have an exclamation mark like this picture below :
Do you know why ? And how to remove this point (probably a warning)
2023-08-22 7:29 AM
Try to refresh the project (F5) then clean and rebuild. Will it build successfully?
2023-08-22 1:21 PM
I don't try this method but, when I show the warning and I hit Ctrl+1, the warning has disappeared.
Thank you every body for yours helps.