2016-01-14 12:55 AM
My installation of STM32CubeMX is not working.
I tried to reinstall the application but the Windows Control Panel -> Programs and Features Uninstall function does not work. I deleted the installation directory manually and installed the application without success.When I try to run the application STM32CubeMX.exe I see a window popping up for a short time:2016-01-14 1:23 AM
I have the same problem !
2016-01-15 3:02 AM
Hi all,
Which version of java are you using?-Shahrzad-2016-01-15 4:26 AM
I have installed Java Version 8 Update 66.
2016-01-15 4:41 AM
2016-01-19 11:17 PM
Anybody have solution?
2016-01-28 2:08 AM
Hi jacob.mikael,
STM32CubeMX is running with java 8 (update 66) on windows 7 and windows 8 (32 bits ans 64 bits). Which windows version are you using? Could you send us the STM32CubeMx.log file under C:\Users\yoursession\.stm32cubemx? -Shahrzad-