2014-09-10 7:50 AM
I use CubeMX to add FreeRTOS to my project, currently running on a 429 discovery board. Cube adds FreeRTOS and a CMSIS-RTOS wrapper.
I'd like the use the FreeRTOS Event Groups or the CMSIS-RTOS Signals but Event Groups don't appear to be included and Signals remain unimplemented in cmsis_os.cAm I missing something or are these features just not there? #stm32cubemx #freertos2014-09-10 5:14 PM
Hi Rob,
The FreeRTOS version used in STM32Cube is 7.6 which didn't contain event groups, not sure what you are trying to accomplish but the CMSIS has signal management and generic wait functions that should be able to accomplish similar functionality as event groups. I included some links to the api documentation, hopefully it helps. The other solution would be to update the FreeRTOS version to 8.x.x manually and use the native functionality that you are looking for.http://www.keil.com/pack/doc/cmsis_rtx/group___c_m_s_i_s___r_t_o_s___signal_mgmt.htmlhttp://www.keil.com/pack/doc/cmsis/RTOS/html/group___c_m_s_i_s___r_t_o_s___wait.html2014-09-11 6:35 AM
The signal management functions aren't implemented in the cmsis_os.c file included by CubeMX. I guess half of what I was asking was did I miss a configuration that I needed to make CubeMX generate that code.
I mentioned event groups because I assumed that was how the CMSIS-RTOS Signal Management would have been implemented, I didn't realize that Event Groups weren't in 7.6. I can get a similar effect with a MessageQ of ints but the advantage of the signals functions is the ability to wait on multiple signals2014-09-30 7:12 AM
Hi Rob,
I confirm that signal management are not implemented in the actual CMSIS-RTOS wrapper, because we are using the FreeRTOS v7.6The next STM32Cube release will be based on FreeRTOS v8, so the event groups will be available.Thanks and regards.2015-04-01 4:48 AM
I still miss the signal management implementation. Please, can you comment on that? Thanks and regards.