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stm32 I2c communicate with DRV10983 Driver IC

Associate III


     I am work with STM32G030F6p6 Microcontroller for I2C communication with DRV10983 Driver IC to controll sensorless BLDC ceiling FanFor I2C communication ,I need to configure my I2C using STM32CubeMX respecting information in the driver, then I can generate the code and manage my communication using HAL library. I can update the motor parameters and operation settings by writing to registers for create in frame format in my code. so I am attach frame format in my code and I attach DRV motor parameters registers. so whether I need to transmit(I2C) the data Bytes or Frame format to communicate with DRV10983 driver IC. If you know anyone please help us. frame.PNGregis.PNG