2015-10-19 1:14 PM
Hello everyone,
I am trying to start working with ST programming tools and looking for a bit of advice.My first task is to build a project from a bunch of .c files which were developed by a proper programming engineer. The microcontroller we use is STM32F051C8. I wonder which software should I use? I have downloaded STMCubeMx, CooCox, STMStudio and something called STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.4.0 which I cant understand what is.Realistically, I am just looking for learning resources, which I am sure there are plenty of them, somewhere. Many Thanks #st32cubemx #stm32-coocox-coide-cube2015-10-20 7:09 AM
I've put together a few tutorials on using CubeMX generated code with the free CooCox CoIDE environment. It includes a blink program, an example of console I/O (printf) through the USB port, and interrupt-driven UART support. You can find them at:
if you like them, let me know. Also check back soon if you are interested in a SD card example.2015-10-21 7:08 AM
Hi ast8346,
As a newbie with ST products, I advise you to read thishttp://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/user_manual/DM00119724.pdf
. It explains how to start with STM32CubeF0 firmware package .-Shahrzad-2015-11-02 2:32 PM
Thank You! That is much appreciated!
I will study this, I am afraid I will be a bit slow at this, but if you don't mind I hope I can ask you some questions that I'm sure I will find. Best Regards,