2019-01-25 7:42 AM
Hello, I've been learning and using CubeMX a lot for project generation. I work with VS code and compile via make through the generated makefile and it is going pretty good.
Now I have to work with the SensorTile and I really wish to use the cube configurator with it. Nevertheless I can't find the Tile among the selectable boards, is it possible to add CubeMX support for it?
2019-01-31 1:49 AM
Hello Andrea,
The sensortile uses a 3 wire SPI interface. Its drivers can’t be configured and generated by CubeMX. That's why the board itself has not been integrated into CubeMX.
2019-01-31 2:42 AM
Hello Laurent,
thanks for your reply. Since I am learning I would like to be able to create an empty project for the tile and then add what I need (I am trying to understand how configuration works in the example applications, what periherals need to be initialized and how).
So, the flow could be:
1) configure the project on CubeMX for the specific MCU --> set up the clock diagram, that's it I guess. Are there any other peripherals I may initialize from CubeMX? USB probably?
2) copy the sensortile firmware package inside my project that provides the BSP files
3) write a makefile for that (modify the generated one)
From here, I should have an empty and working project for the tile right?If I want to change some initialization code I can run CubeMX again, this is why I am trying to work in this way.
Sorry if my questions are very basic but I am still learning.
2019-01-31 2:50 AM
Hello Andrea,
yes, you're right about your methodology. However as we are in a special case, you may be quicker to start from the evaluation kit than from CubeMX:
or other examples, called Function Packs : look for FP-AI-SENSING1 , FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1, FP-SNS-ALLMEMS2 on st.com.
2019-01-31 3:00 AM
allright, well the idea of using CubeMX came from the fact that I am not expert and in this way I have a more visual feedback on configuration parameters, like clocks. On the other hand, within the code I find configuration more difficult and hard to spot.
In order to use those function pack one just includes them in a project right? How to "make" them board specific?
2019-01-31 4:37 AM
Hello Andrea,
Ok, if you're used to CubeMX, please, use it to make a similar board that . Just take care about this specific driver: 3 wire SPI. You can find this specific driver into the FPs that i listed.
2019-07-29 7:21 AM
Sorry for necroposting, I have a small question related. Is there a reason why this communication is implemented as a 3 wire instead of 4? What are the differences from performance and application design point of view?
Thanks a lot,