2021-11-07 4:22 AM
I am using stm32l496, I want to use external memory CY62157EV30L, so I enable FMC in the CubeMx, but when I compile and run the project, a lot of current is consumed, about 4 mA, only with MX_FMC_Init(). how can I reduce this current?
HCLK is 2 MHz.
I attached FMC setting.
2021-11-09 10:36 PM
In the "Truth table" of memory, it is stated that in order for the memory to be in standby mode, pin nCE1 must be in the High state or pin CE2 must be in the Low state or nBHE and nBLE in High state.
I're just starting out with micro may you guide me in doing this.